Agriculture & Livestock
- Agricultural equipment
- Agricultural products & services
- Dairy farming products & equipment
- Fisheries
- Breeding
- Animal health & instruments
- Apiculture & honey
- Crop production
- Machinery & spare parts
- Bakery products
- Bottled water
- Tea, Coffee & beverages
- Soft drinks & juices
- Dairy & milk products
- Butter, oil and fats
- Meat and poultry
- Seafood
- Spices and flavors
- Food storage & handling
- Food transport
- Air-conditioning, ventilation & fans
- Cleaning equipment & supplies
- Confectionary processing machines and equipment
- Drink processing machines
- Laundry equipment
- Refrigeration & related equipment
- Processing, preserving equipment
- Storage systems
- Vending & dispensing equipment
- Display equipment

Cash crops
including tea, cotton, coffee, pyrethrum, sugar cane, sisal, horticultural crops, oil-crops, cloves, tobacco, coconut and cashew nuts

Livestock sub-sector
consisting of of cattle, sheep, goats, and camels, mainly for meat and milk production; pigs and poultry for white meat and eggs respectively; hides and skins for export and industrial processing

Fisheries products
including both fresh water fish from rivers, dams and lakes and marine fish from the Indian Ocean

Forestry products
including fruits, honey, herbal medicine, timber and wood for fuel
East Africa to double fruit and vegetable exports
The East African Community (EAC) unveiled its annual US $25m project to export fruits and vegetables regionally and internationally. If the strategic project sails through, it will see the EAC doubling its fruits and vegetable exports. In its 10-year strategic plan from 2021 – 2031, the EAC projects to increase the farming area under fruit production by 5% to 10 million hectares. If implemented, the intra – EAC trade in fruits and vegetable products would increase from the current $ 9.9 million to $ 25 million by 2031.
The region also plans to increase vegetable production by five percent of area cultivated to 45 million hectares from 32.8 million hectares with productivity increasing by at least 3%.